
At the time of the apparitions in Fatima, during the first years of this century, the world scene was already a foretaste of the lamentable state of contemporary history. On one hand, almost unlimited material progress with a moral decadence such as has never been seen before, on the other hand, terrible wars and social upheavals of apocalyptic proportions. The First World War, a prime example of this reality, was overshadowed by the Second World War and subsequent events.

As a compassionate and loving Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary wanted to provide a remedy for all these evils so that her children could avoid them. Hence, she descended from Heaven to warn humanity about the risks of continuing along the iniquitous path of sin. She came to indicate the means of salvation: to pray the Rosary, to observe the five first Saturdays and devote oneself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

However, something else, of primordial importance, motivated the Mother of God to give her message to the three little shepherds. She wished to announce her victory over Satan’s empire. Namely, she wished to announce the Reign of Mary, as foreseen by St. Louis de Montfort and other saints.

At the beginning of this twenty-first century, the celestial promise of Our Lady encourages us and gives us hope.

The Virgin Mary presented us with the means to contemplate that marvellous midday sun – the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – which dawned at Fatima on May 13, 1917: “If they do what I will tell you, many souls will be saved and you will have peace.”